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"Richard did a quick 5-minute demo of the “Soul Link” experience for me at a local coffee shop. I was intrigued. I knew something was happening but couldn’t quite connect all of the dots, but I knew I needed/wanted more. The 2-hour “Life Changing” session follows through on its promise. I am a holistic practitioner and even I was a mix of skeptical and curious in the beginning. Not even half way through the 2-hour session I was sold. IT WAS WORKING! It was such a simple concept and Richard taught me how to do it myself, anytime, anywhere. If taking away negative feelings and emotions from any memory isn’t life changing, then I don’t know what is! I am looking forward to experiencing the 2-day “Restoration” workshop soon." M.H. Frederick, Maryland

Learn what others have had to say about their Memory Makeover Experiences!

What our clients want you to know...


"...My negative feelings and emotions were neutralized. It is as if all the baggage I carried all my life was suddenly lifted and disposed of. Such a wonderful experience and feeling that holds to this day..."

C.N., Duluth, Georgia


 "...Peace is the best gift you can give yourself..."

E.L. Presque Isle, Maine


"...It was extremely rewarding to work with Jan and Rich. I felt gently but solidly guided to being my better self. Ultimately I felt supported in a nurturing way..."

C.D, Atlanta, Georgia


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